
Stay Informed with What’s Happening in the College

Transparency is vital to the College of Naturopaths of Ontario’s mission of protecting the public. This page is constantly updated to include timely updates relevant to the practice of naturopathy in Ontario, as well as information on future discipline hearings.

Blog – Andrew’s Corner

On the College’s blog page, you will find up-to-date and relevant insight to regulation-related topics and programs in the field of naturopathy. You will also be able to learn more about important regulatory issues of the day and will have an opportunity to engage in the discussion.

Visit Andrew’s Corner.

Discipline Hearings

Hearings are held at the College or via Zoom and are open to the public.

Find the hearing schedule and how to attend a hearing.


Find the latest announcements by College.


Consultations are an opportunity to collect feedback on proposed changes to important documents, including policies governing the profession, By-laws, proposed Regulations, and standards of practice and associated guidelines.

Find the latest Consultations.


Find the latest College Publications.