Practice Tables
Table 1—Substances an ND can administer by inhalation
Under the Naturopathy Act, 2007, Registrants may administer by inhalation a prescribed substance listed in Table 1 of the General Regulation in accordance with any limitations outlined.
Any Registrant mixing, preparing, packaging or labeling two or more substances listed in Table 1 of the General Regulation must do so in accordance with the Standards of Practise for Compounding as set out in the regulation.
Table 1
Drug Limitation Explanatory note Acetylcysteine No limitations specified. Glutathione No limitations specified. Ipratropium Bromide Administered to a patient by a Registrant in his or her office only in emergency circumstances. In an emergency, administer a maximum daily dose of 0.5 mg but only after the Registrant has administered Salbutamol to the patient. This drug may only be administered in office in an emergency situation. Its dosage is limited and may only be administered following the administration of Salbutamol. Salbutamol Administered to a patient by the Registrant in his or her office only in emergency circumstances. In an emergency, administer a maximum of two doses, each dose 2.5 mg. This drug may only be administered in office in an emergency situation. Its dosage is limited as noted. Saline No limitations specified. Therapeutic Oxygen No limitations specified. -
Table 2—Substances an ND can administer by injection
Under the Naturopathy Act, 2007, Registrants may administer by injection a prescribed substance listed in Table 2 of the General Regulation in accordance with the specifications about the route of administration and any limitations outlined in the table.
Registrants may only perform this controlled act if they meet the general requirements outlined on the About Controlled Acts page.
Table 2
Substance Route of administration Limitation Explanatory note Acetylcysteine Intravenous (IV) Must be in combination with other amino acids. Used only by IV and only with one or more other amino acids. Adenosine triphosphate Intravenous No limitation specified. Alanine Intravenous Must be in combination with other amino acids. Used only by IV and only with one or more other amino acids. Alpha Lipoic Acid Intravenous Maximum daily dose of 600 mg for racemic form or 300 mg for R form. The maximum daily dosage amounts are restricted as identified. Arginine Intravenous Must be in combination with other amino acids. Used only by IV and only with one or more other amino acids. Aspartic Acid Intravenous Must be in combination with other amino acids. Used only by IV and only with one or more other amino acids. Atropine Intravenous Administered to a patient by the Registrant in his or her office only in emergency circumstances. In an emergency, administer 0.5-1 mg q3-5 min. Dose must be 0.5 mg or higher but must not exceed 2 mg. This drug may only be administered in office in an emergency. In an emergency, administer 0.5-1 mg every 3-5 minutes. The dose must be at least 0.5 mg but cannot be more than 2 mg in total. Biotin Intravenous No limitation specified. Calcium Chloride Intravenous No limitation specified. Calcium Gluconate Intravenous No limitation specified. Calcium Glycerophosphate Intravenous No limitation specified. Carbohydrates in sodium chloride solution Intravenous No limitation specified. Chromium Intravenous No limitation specified. Copper Sulfate Intravenous No limitation specified. Cupric Chloride Intravenous No limitation specified. Dextrose Injection Intravenous No limitation specified. Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride Intravenous, Intramuscular Administered to a patient by the Registrant in his or her office only in emergency circumstances with a maximum dose of 100 mg. This drug may only be administered in office in an emergency. The dosage amounts are restricted as identified. Epinephrine Hydrochloride Intramuscular Administered to a patient by the Registrant in his or her office only in emergency circumstances with a maximum dose of 1.5 mg. This drug may only be administered in office in an emergency. The dosage amounts are restricted as identified. Ferrous Sulphate Intramuscular Must be administered by z-track only. Not for use by IV. May only be administered by z-track. Folic Acid Intravenous, Intramuscular No limitation specified. Glutamine Intravenous Must be in combination with other amino acids. Used only by IV and only with one or more other amino acids. Glutamic Acid Intravenous Must be in combination with other amino acids. Used only by IV and only with one or more other amino acids. Glycine Intravenous Must be in combination with other amino acids. Used only by IV and only with one or more other amino acids. Glutathione Intravenous, Intramuscular No limitation specified. Histidine Intravenous Must be in combination with other amino acids. Used only by IV and only with one or more other amino acids. Hydrochloric Acid Intravenous In ratio of 1:1000 or 1:500. Used only by IV and in the ratios identified. Isoleucine Intravenous Must be in combination with other amino acids. Used only by IV and only with one or more other amino acids. L-Tryptophan Intravenous No limitation specified. Lactated Ringer’s Solution Intravenous No limitation specified. Leucine Intravenous Must be in combination with other amino acids. Used only by IV and only with one or more other amino acids. Levocarnitine and its salts Intravenous No limitation specified. Lysine Intravenous Must be in combination with other amino acids. Used only by IV and only with one or more other amino acids. Magnesium Sulfate Intravenous, Intramuscular Must never be administered by the Registrant for the treatment of eclampsia or pre-eclampsia. Prohibited for treatment of eclampsia or pre-eclampsia. Magnesium Chloride Intravenous, Intramuscular Must never be administered by the Registrant for the treatment of eclampsia or pre-eclampsia. Prohibited for treatment of eclampsia or pre-eclampsia. Manganese Intravenous No limitation specified. Methionine Intravenous Must be in combination with other amino acids. Used only by IV and only with one or more other amino acids. Molybdenum Intravenous No limitation specified. Ornithine Intravenous Must be in combination with other amino acids. Used only by IV and only with one or more other amino acids. Phenylalanine Intravenous Must be in combination with other amino acids. Used only by IV and only with one or more other amino acids. Potassium Chloride Intravenous In dosage form not more than 0.3 mEq/kg/hr. Must never be administered as a single agent or by intravenous push. The dosage amount is restricted as identified and may not be administered on its own or by IV push. Potassium Phosphate Intravenous In dosage form not more than 0.3 mEq/kg/hr. Must never be administered as a single agent or by intravenous push. The dosage amount is restricted as identified and may not be administered on its own or by IV push. Proline Intravenous Must be in combination with other amino acids. Used only by IV and only with one or more other amino acids. Ringer’s Solution (sodium, chloride, potassium and calcium) Intravenous No limitation specified. Saline Solution Intravenous, Intramuscular No limitation specified. Selenium Intravenous No limitation specified. Serine Intravenous Must be in combination with other amino acids. Used only by IV and only with one or more other amino acids. Sodium Bicarbonate Intravenous No limitation specified. Sodium Iodide Intravenous Must be in combination with other minerals. Used only by IV and only with one or more other minerals. Sterile Water Intravenous, Intramuscular Must be in combination with other substances May only be administered with other substances. Strontium and its salts Intravenous No limitation specified. Taurine Intravenous No limitation specified. Threonine Intravenous Must be in combination with other amino acids. Used only by IV and only with one or more other amino acids. Tyrosine (L-tyrosine) Intravenous Must be in combination with other amino acids. Used only by IV and only with one or more other amino acids. Vanadium Intravenous Must be in combination with other minerals. Used only in IV and only with one or more other mineral. Viscum Album Intravenous, Subcutaneous No limitation specified. Vitamin A Intravenous Maximum daily dose of 10,000 International Units. The maximum daily dose is limited to 10,000 IU. Vitamin B1 Intravenous, Intramuscular No limitation specified. Vitamin B2 Intravenous, Intramuscular No limitation specified. Vitamin B3 Intravenous, Intramuscular No limitation specified. Vitamin B5 Intravenous, Intramuscular No limitation specified. Vitamin B6 Intravenous, Intramuscular, Subcutaneous No limitation specified. Vitamin B12 Intravenous, Intramuscular No limitation specified. Vitamin C Intravenous Must administer no more than 15 g per day when patient’s G6PD is deficient. A glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) test is necessary before administration. Where a patient’s G6PD is deficient the daily dosage is limited to no more than 15 g per day. Vitamin D Intravenous, Intramuscular No limitation specified. Vitamin E Intravenous No limitation specified. Vitamin K1 Intramuscular No limitation specified. Zinc Chloride Intravenous No limitation specified. Zinc Sulphate Intravenous No limitation specified. -
Table 3—Drugs a ND can prescribe
Under the Naturopathy Act, 2007, a Registrant is authorized to prescribe the drugs listed in Table 3 of General Regulation, in accordance with any limitations outlined in the table. For more information on drugs naturopaths can prescribe, visit our page What NDs can prescribe.
Table 3
Drug Limitations, routes of administration, dosages Explanatory note Adenosine triphosphate Only if prescribed for intravenous injection to be administered by the Registrant in his or her office to the patient. This is only a drug when it is prescribed for intravenous injection. It appears on this list to allow Registrants to access the drug from pharmacies. A Registrant might also write a prescription to allow a patient to pick up the drug at a pharmacy and bring it to an appointment for injection. Calcium Chloride Only if prescribed in injectable form for intravenous injection to be administered by the Registrant to the patient. This is only a drug when it is prescribed for intravenous injection. It appears on this list to allow Registrants to access the drug from pharmacies. A Registrant might also write a prescription to allow a patient to pick up the drug at a pharmacy and bring it to an appointment for injection. Calcium Gluconate Only if prescribed in injectable form for intravenous injection to be administered by the Registrant to the patient. This is only a drug when it is prescribed for intravenous injection. It appears on this list to allow Registrants to access the drug from pharmacies. A Registrant might also write a prescription to allow a patient to pick up the drug at a pharmacy and bring it to an appointment for injection. Colchicine Must not be prescribed unless the drug is botanical colchicine, compounded from the corm of colchicum autumnale. This limitation requires that only the botanical version of colchicine that is compounded from the corm of colchicum autumnale is prescribed. Dextrose Injection May only be prescribed when in concentrated solutions for intravenous injection to be administered by the Registrant to the patient. This drug may only be prescribed in concentrated solutions for intravenous injection. It appears on this list to allow Registrants to access the drug from pharmacists. A Registrant might also write a prescription to allow a patient to pick up the drug at a pharmacy and bring it to an appointment for injection. Digitalis Purpurea and its glycosides Only if prescribed in conjunction with monitoring of patient’s serum levels by Registrant. This drug always requires a prescription. In addition, a Registrant must monitor the patient’s blood serum levels when prescribing this drug. Estrogen (bioidentical) Only if prescribed in topical or suppository form. This always requires a prescription and may only be prescribed in a topical or suppository form. Folic Acid Only if prescribed in oral dosage containing more than 1.0 mg of folic acid per dosage or, where the largest recommended daily dosage would, if consumed by a patient, result in the daily intake by that patient of more than 1.0 mg of folic acid. This is only a drug when prescribed in a dosage of more than 1 mg per dose or more than 1 mg of daily dose. A Registrant may prescribe at this level or higher where indicated. Folic acid below 1 mg per dose or per daily dose is not a drug and does not require a prescription. L-Tryptophan Only if prescribed for patient’s use in oral dosage form at a concentration of more than 220 mg per dosage unit or per daily dose. Recommended daily dose must not exceed 12 g and must be provided. May be prescribed as a single ingredient intended for intravenous injection. This is only a drug when it is prescribed in oral dosage at a concentration of more than 220 mg per dosage unit or per daily dose. The daily dose must not exceed 12 g. The drug may be prescribed as a single ingredient for IV therapy. Levocarnitine and its Salts Only if prescribed for the treatment of primary or secondary levocarnitine deficiency. This is only a drug when prescribed for the treatment of primary or secondary levocarnitine deficiency in which case a prescription is required. If recommended for any other condition, it is not a drug and a prescription is not required. Nitroglycerin Administered to a patient by the Registrant in his or her office only in emergency circumstances and only for angina pectoris. Dosage: 1 to 2 metered doses (0.4 or 0.8 mg nitroglycerin) administered on or under the tongue, without inhaling. The mouth must be closed immediately after each dose (up to 3 doses in total, at least 5 minutes apart). A sublingual tablet may be used (0.3 or 0.6 mg for initial dose). Maximum dose of 1.8 mg. This drug appears on this list only to ensure that a Registrant can obtain it from a pharmacy for in office use. It may be administered by the Registrant only in office, only in emergency circumstances and only for angina pectoris following the explicit dosing requirements. Pancreatin Only if prescribed in a dosage form that provides more than 20,000 USP units of lipase activity per dosage unit or for the treatment of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency. This drug requires a prescription only when it is in a form that provides more than 20,000 USP of lipase activity per dosage or at any dosage amount when prescribed for the treatment of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency. Lower dosages for other conditions do not require a prescription. Pancrelipase Only if prescribed in a dosage form that provides more than 20,000 USP units of lipase activity per dosage unit or for the treatment of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency. This drug requires a prescription only when it is prescribed at more than 20,000 USP of lipase per dose or when it is being prescribed for treatment of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency. Lower dosages for other conditions do not require a prescription. Pilocarpine and its salts Must not be prescribed unless, 1. the drug is botanical pilocarpus, compounded from the leaves of pilocarpus microphyllus, 2. the Registrant monitors his or her patient’s drug levels during treatment with the drug and, 3. the drug is never prescribed to treat a patient with glaucoma. This drug may only be prescribed in its botanical form as identified and requires that the Registrant monitors the patient’s levels during treatment. The drug cannot be prescribed to treat a patient with glaucoma. Podophyllotoxin Must not be prescribed unless, 1. the drug is botanical podophyllotoxin compounded from podophyllum peltatum and, 2. the drug is never prescribed to treat a patient with rheumatoid arthritis. This drug may only be prescribed in its botanical form as identified and cannot be prescribed to a patient with rheumatoid arthritis. Progesterone (bioidentical form) Only if prescribed in a topical or suppository form. Progesterone requires a prescription and may only be prescribed in topical or suppository form. Rauwolfia No limitation, etc., specified. Thyroid No limitation, etc., specified. There are no limitations regarding dosages. Thyroid is listed as it appears on the Prescription Drug List and only refers to desiccated thyroid. Vitamin A Only if prescribed in oral dosage form containing more than 10,000 International Units of Vitamin A per dosage or, where the largest daily dosage would, if consumed by a patient, result in the daily intake by that patient of more than 10,000 International Units of Vitamin A. Vitamin A requires a prescription only when it is prescribed for oral use at more than 10,000 IU per dose or where the largest daily does would be more than 10,000 IU. At lower levels, it does not require a prescription nor is a prescription necessary for other routes of administration. Vitamin D Only if prescribed in oral dosage form containing more than 2,500 International Units of Vitamin D per dosage form or, where the largest recommended daily dosage shown on the label would result in the daily intake by that patient of more than 2,500 International Units of Vitamin D. Vitamin D requires a prescription only when it is prescribed for oral use at more than 2,500 IU per dose or where the largest daily dose would be more than 2,500 IU. At lower levels, it does not require a prescription nor is a prescription necessary for other routes of administration. Vitamin K1 Only if prescribed in oral dosage when the maximum daily dose is more than 0.120 mg. Vitamin K1 requires a prescription only when it is prescribed for oral use at more that 0.120 mg per day. At lower levels, it does not require a prescription nor is a prescription necessary for other routes of administration. Vitamin K2 Only if prescribed in oral dosage when the maximum daily dose is more than 0.120 mg. Vitamin K2 requires a prescription only when it is prescribed for oral use at more that 0.120 mg per day. At lower levels, it does not require a prescription nor is a prescription necessary for other routes of administration. Yohimbine and its salts Must not be prescribed unless the drug is botanical yohimbine, compounded from the bark of pausinystalia yohimbine. This is always a drug and always requires a prescription. It may only be prescribed in its botanical form as identified. -
Table 4—Drugs a ND can dispense
Under the Naturopathy Act, 2007, a Registrant is authorized to dispense the drugs listed in Table 4 of General Regulation, in accordance with any limitations outlined in the table.
Table 4
Drug Limitations, routes of administration, dosages Explanatory note Colchicine Must not be dispensed unless the drug is botanical colchicine, compounded from the corm of colchicum autumnale. This limitation requires that only the botanical version of colchicine that is compounded from the corm of colchicum autumnale is dispensed. Digitalis Purpurea and its glycosides Only if dispensed in conjunction with monitoring of patient’s serum level by the Registrant. This drug always requires a prescription. In addition, a Registrant must ensure that the patient’s blood serum levels are being monitored when dispensing this drug. Estrogen (bioidentical) Only if dispensed in topical or suppository form. This always requires a prescription and may only be dispensed in a topical or suppository form. Folic Acid Only if dispensed in oral dosage containing more than 1.0 mg of folic acid per dosage or, where the largest daily dosage would, if consumed by a patient, result in the daily intake by that patient of more than 1.0 mg of folic acid. This is only a drug when dispensed in a dosage of more than 1 mg per dose or more than 1 mg of daily dose. A Registrant may dispense at this level or higher where indicated and a prescription is provided. Folic acid below 1 mg per dose or per daily dose is not a drug and does not require a prescription. L-Tryptophan Only if dispensed for patient’s use in oral dosage form at a concentration of more than 220 mg per dosage unit or per daily dose. Recommended daily dose must not exceed 12 g and must be provided in 3 to 4 equally divided doses. This is only a drug when it is dispensed in oral dosage at a concentration of more than 220 mg per dosage unit or per daily dose. The daily dose must not exceed 12 g and must be provided in the divided dosages as identified. Levocarnitine and its salts Only if dispensed for the treatment of primary or secondary levocarnitine deficiency. This is only a drug when dispensed for the treatment of primary or secondary levocarnitine deficiency in which case a prescription is required. If recommended for any other condition, it is not a drug and a prescription is not required. Pancreatin Only if dispensed in a dosage form that provides more than 20,000 USP units of lipase activity per dosage unit or for the treatment of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency. This drug requires a prescription only when it is dispensed a form that provides more than 20,000 USP of lipase activity per dosage or at any dosage amount when dispensed for the treatment of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency. Lower dosages or for other conditions do not require a prescription. Pancrelipase Only if dispensed in a dosage form that provides more than 20,000 USP units of lipase activity per dosage unit or for the treatment of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency. This drug requires a prescription only when it is dispensed at more than 20,000 USP of lipase per dose or when it is being dispensed for treatment of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency. Lower dosages of this substance or when used for other conditions are not drugs and may be dispensed at the discretion of the Registrant. Pilocarpine and its salts Must not be dispensed unless, 1. the dispensed drug botanical pilocarpus compounded from the leaves of pilocarpus microphyllus, 2. the Registrant monitors his or her patient’s drug levels during treatment with the drug and, 3. the drug is never dispensed to treat a patient with glaucoma. This drug may only be dispensed in its botanical form as identified and requires that the Registrant monitors the patient’s levels during treatment. The drug cannot be dispensed to treat a patient with glaucoma. Podophyllotoxin Must not be dispensed unless, 1. the dispensed drug is botanical podophyllotoxin compounded from podophyllum peltatum and, 2. the drug is never dispensed to treat a patient with rheumatoid arthritis. This drug may only be dispensed in its botanical form as identified and cannot be dispensed to a patient with rheumatoid arthritis. Progesterone (bioidentical form) Only if dispensed in a topical or suppository form. Progesterone requires a prescription and may only be dispensed in topical or suppository form. Rauwolfia No limitation, etc., specified. Thyroid No limitation, etc., specified. There are no limitations regarding dosages. Thyroid is listed as it appears on the Prescription Drug List and only refers to desiccated thyroid. Vitamin A Only if dispensed in oral dosage containing more than 10,000 International Units of Vitamin A per dosage or, where the largest daily dosage would, if consumed by a patient, result in the daily intake by that patient of more than 10,000 International Units of Vitamin A. Vitamin A requires a prescription only when it is dispensed for oral use at more than 10,000 IU per dose or where the largest daily does would be more than 10,000 IU. At lower levels, it does not require a prescription nor is a prescription necessary for other routes of administration. Vitamin D Only if dispensed in oral dosage form containing more than 2,500 International Units of Vitamin D per dosage form or where the largest recommended daily dosage shown on the label would result in the daily intake by that patient of more than 2,500 International Units of Vitamin D. Vitamin D requires a prescription only when it is dispensed for oral use at more than 2,500 IU per dose or where the largest daily dose would be more than 2,500 IU. At lower levels, it does not require a prescription nor is a prescription necessary for other routes of administration. Vitamin K1 Only if dispensed in oral dosage when the maximum daily dose is more than 0.120 mg. Vitamin K1 requires a prescription only when it is dispensed for oral use at more that 0.120 mg per day. At lower levels, it does not require a prescription nor is a prescription necessary for other routes of administration. Vitamin K2 Only if dispensed in oral dosage when the maximum daily dose is more than 0.120 mg. Vitamin K2 requires a prescription only when it is dispensed for oral use at more that 0.120 mg per day. At lower levels, it does not require a prescription nor is a prescription necessary for other routes of administration. Yohimbine and its salts Must not be dispensed unless the dispensed drug is botanical yohimbine compounded from the bark of pausinystalia yohimbine. This is always a drug and always requires a prescription. It may only be dispensed in its botanical form as identified. -
Table 5—Drugs an ND can compound
Under the Naturopathy Act, 2007, Registrants are authorized to compound the drugs listed in Table 5 of General Regulation in accordance with any limitations outlined in the table.
Table 5
Drug Limitations, routes of administration, dosages Explanatory note Adenosine triphosphate Only if compounded for intravenous injection. This drug may only be compounded for administration by Intravenous Infusion Therapy. Colchicine Must not be compounded unless the drug is botanical colchicine compounded from the corm of colchicum autumnale. This drug may only be compounded using the botanical version of colchicine that is compounded from the corm of colchicum autumnale. Dextrose Injection Only if compounded when in concentrated solution for intravenous injection. This drug may only be compounded in concentrated solution for administration by Intravenous Infusion Therapy. Digitalis Purpurea and its glycosides Only if compounded in conjunction with monitoring of the patient’s serum levels by the Registrant. This drug can only be compounded in conjunction with monitoring the patient’s blood serum levels by the Registrant. Estrogen (bioidentical) Only if compounded in topical or suppository form. This drug may only be compounded for use in a topical or suppository form only. Folic Acid Only if compounded in oral dosage containing more than 1.0 mg of folic acid per dosage or, where the largest daily dosage would, if consumed by a patient, result in the daily intake by that patient of more than 1.0 mg of folic acid. This is only a drug when compounded in a dosage of more than 1 mg per dose or more than 1 mg of daily dose. A Registrant may compound at this level or higher where indicated and a prescription is provided. Folic acid below 1 mg per dose or per daily dose is not a drug and does not require a prescription for compounding. L-Tryptophan Only if compounded for patient’s use in oral dosage form at a concentration of more than 220 mg per dosage unit or per daily dose. Recommended daily dose must not exceed 12 g and must be provided in 3 to 4 equally divided doses. May also be compounded as a single ingredient intended for intravenous injection. This is only a drug when compounded in oral dosage at a concentration of more than 220 mg per dosage unit or per daily dose. The total daily dose must not exceed 12 g and must be provided in the divided dosages identified. This drug may also be compounded as a single ingredient intended for intravenous infusion therapy (IVIT). Levocarnitine and its salts Only if compounded for the treatment of primary or secondary levocarnitine deficiency. This is only a drug when compounded for the treatment of primary or secondary levocarnitine deficiency in which case a prescription is required. If recommended for any other condition, it is not a drug and a prescription is not required. Pancreatin Only if compounded in a dosage that provides more than 20,000 USP units of lipase activity per dosage unit or for the treatment of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency. This is a drug only when compounded in a form that provides more than 20,000 USP of lipase activity per dosage or at any dosage amount when compounded for the treatment of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency. Lower dosages or for other conditions do not require a prescription for compounding. Pancrelipase Only if compounded in a dosage that provides more than 20,000 USP units of lipase activity per dosage unit or for the treatment of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency. This is a drug only when compounded at more than 20,000 USP of lipase per dose or when it is being compounded for treatment of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency. Lower dosages or for other conditions do not require a prescription for compounding. Pilocarpine and its salts Must not be compounded unless, 1. the drug is botanical pilocarpine, compounded from the leaves of pilocarpus microphyllus, 2. the Registrant monitors his or her patient’s serum levels during treatment with the drug and, 3. the drug is never compounded to treat a patient with glaucoma. This drug may only be compounded in its botanical form as identified and requires that the Registrant monitor the patient’s serum levels during treatment. The drug cannot be compounded to treat a patient with glaucoma. Podophyllotoxin Must not be compounded unless, 1. the drug is botanical podophyllotoxin, compounded from podophyllum peltatum and, 2. the drug is never compounded to treat a patient with rheumatoid arthritis. This drug may only be compounded in its botanical form and cannot be compounded to treat a patient with rheumatoid arthritis. Progesterone (bioidentical) Only if compounded in topical or suppository form. This drug may only be compounded for use in a topical or suppository form only. Rauwolfia No limitation, etc., specified. Thyroid No limitation, etc., specified. There are no limitations regarding dosages. Thyroid is listed as it appears on the Prescription Drug List and only refers to desiccated thyroid. Vitamin A Only if compounded in oral dosage containing more than 10,000 International Units of Vitamin A per dosage or, where the largest daily dosage would, if consumed by a patient, result in the daily intake by that patient of more than 10,000 International Units of Vitamin A. This is a drug only when compounded for oral use at more than 10,000 IU per dose or where the largest daily does would be more than 10,000 IU. At lower levels for oral use, it is not a drug. Vitamin D Only if compounded in oral dosage form containing more than 2,500 International Units of Vitamin D per dosage form or where the largest recommended daily dosage shown on the label would result in the daily intake by that patient of more than 2,500 International Units of Vitamin D. This is a drug only when compounded for oral use at more than 2,500 IU per dose or where the largest daily dose would be more than 2,500 IU. At lower levels for oral use, it is not a drug. Vitamin K1 Only if compounded in oral dosage where the maximum daily dose is more than 0.120 mg. This is a drug only when compounded for oral use at more that 0.120 mg per day. At lower levels for oral use, it is not a drug. Vitamin K2 Only if compounded in oral dosage where the maximum daily dose is more than 0.120 mg. This is a drug only when compounded for oral use at more that 0.120 mg per day. At lower levels for oral use, it is not a drug. Yohimbine and its salts Must not be compounded unless the drug is botanical yohimbine, compounded from the bark of pausinystalia yohimbine. This is always a drug and always requires a prescription. It may only be compounded in its botanical form as identified. -
Table 6—Drugs a ND can sell
Under the Naturopathy Act, 2007, a Registrant is authorized to sell the drugs listed in Table 6 of General Regulation, in accordance with any limitations outlined in the table.
Table 6
Drug Limitations, routes of administration, dosages Explanatory note Colchicine Must not be sold unless the drug is botanical colchicine, compounded from the corm of the colchicum autumnale. This limitation requires that only the botanical version of colchicine that is compounded from the corm of colchicum autumnale is sold. Digitalis Purpurea and its glycosides Only if sold in conjunction with monitoring of patient’s serum level by the Registrant. This drug always requires a prescription. In addition, a Registrant must ensure that the patient’s blood serum levels are being monitored when selling this drug. Estrogen (bioidentical) Only if sold in topical or suppository form. This always requires a prescription and may only be sold in a topical or suppository form. Folic Acid Only if sold in oral dosage containing more than 1.0 mg of folic acid per dosage or, where the largest daily dosage would, if consumed by a patient, result in the daily intake by that patient of more than 1.0 mg of folic acid. This is only a drug when sold in a dosage of more than 1 mg per dose or more than 1 mg of daily dose. A Registrant may dispense at this level or higher where indicated and a prescription is provided. Folic acid below 1 mg per dose or per daily dose is not a drug and does not require a prescription. L-Tryptophan Only if sold for patient’s use in oral dosage form at a concentration of more than 220 mg per dosage unit or per daily dose. Recommended daily dose must not exceed 12 g and must be provided in 3 to 4 equally divided doses. This is only a drug when it is sold in oral dosage at a concentration of more than 220 mg per dosage unit or per daily dose. The daily dose must not exceed 12 g and must be provided in the divided dosages as identified. Levocarnitine and its salts Only if sold for the treatment of primary or secondary levocarnitine deficiency. This is only a drug when sold for the treatment of primary or secondary levocarnitine deficiency in which case a prescription is required. If recommended for any other condition, it is not a drug and a prescription is not required. Pancreatin Only if sold in a dosage form that provides more than 20,000 USP units of lipase activity per dosage unit or for the treatment of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency. This drug requires a prescription only when it is sold in a form that provides more than 20,000 USP of lipase activity per dosage or at any dosage amount when sold for the treatment of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency. Lower dosages for other conditions do not require a prescription. Pancrelipase Only if sold in a dosage form that provides more than 20,000 USP units of lipase activity per dosage unit or for the treatment of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency. This drug requires a prescription only when it is sold at more than 20,000 USP of lipase per dose or when it is being sold for treatment of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency. Lower dosages of this substance used for other conditions are not drugs and may be sold at the discretion of the Registrant. Pilocarpine and its salts Must not be sold unless, 1. the drug is botanical pilocarpus compounded from the leaves of pilocarpus microphyllus, 2. the Registrant monitors his or her patient’s drug levels during treatment with the drug and, 3. the drug is never sold to treat a patient with glaucoma. This drug may only be sold in its botanical form as identified and requires that the Registrant monitors the patient’s levels during treatment. The drug cannot be sold to treat a patient with glaucoma. Podophyllotoxin Must not be sold unless, 1. the drug is botanical podophyllotoxin compounded from podophyllum peltatum and, 2. the drug is never sold to treat a patient with rheumatoid arthritis. This drug may only be sold in its botanical form as identified and cannot be sold to a patient with rheumatoid arthritis. Progesterone (bioidentical form) Only if sold in a topical or suppository form. Progesterone requires a prescription and may only be sold in topical or suppository form. Rauwolfia No limitation, etc., specified. Thyroid No limitation, etc., specified. There are no limitations regarding dosages. Thyroid is listed as it appears on the Prescription Drug List and only refers to desiccated thyroid. Vitamin A Only if sold in oral dosage containing more than 10,000 International Units of Vitamin A per dosage or, where the largest daily dosage would, if consumed by a patient, result in the daily intake by that patient of more than 10,000 International Units of Vitamin A. Vitamin A requires a prescription only when it is sold for oral use at more than 10,000 IU per dose or where the largest daily does would be more than 10,000 IU. At lower levels, it does not require a prescription nor is a prescription necessary for other routes of administration. Vitamin D Only if sold in oral dosage form containing more than 2,500 International Units of Vitamin D per dosage form or where the largest recommended daily dosage shown on the label would result in the daily intake by that patient of more than 2,500 International Units of Vitamin D. Vitamin D requires a prescription only when it is sold for oral use at more than 2,500 IU per dose or where the largest daily dose would be more than 2,500 IU. At lower levels, it does not require a prescription nor is a prescription necessary for other routes of administration. Vitamin K1 Only if sold in oral dosage when the maximum daily dose is more than 0.120 mg. Vitamin K1 requires a prescription only when it is sold for oral use at more that 0.120 mg per day. At lower levels, it does not require a prescription nor is a prescription necessary for other routes of administration. Vitamin K2 Only if sold in oral dosage when the maximum daily dose is more than 0.120 mg. Vitamin K2 requires a prescription only when it is sold for oral use at more that 0.120 mg per day. At lower levels, it does not require a prescription nor is a prescription necessary for other routes of administration. Yohimbine and its salts Must not be sold unless the dispensed drug is botanical yohimbine compounded from the bark of pausinystalia yohimbine. This is always a drug and always requires a prescription. It may only be sold in its botanical form as identified.