Ontario Biomedical Exam
All applicants seeking to be registered with the College of Naturopaths of Ontario, except NDs currently registered and practising in another regulated Canadian jurisdiction, must first complete the College’s Ontario Biomedical Exam. This exam replaced the NPLEX I exam in Ontario, effective November 15, 2020, and must be successfully completed to be eligible to be registered with the College:
Applicants for registration who have successfully completed the Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) Program will have completed this exam as part of that program. A second pass is not required.
Exam Content and Structure
The Ontario Biomedical Exam is a 150 multiple-choice, 3-hour exam administered electronically via licensed testing centres or through an online proctoring platform. It consists of stand-alone questions testing essential medical knowledge of body systems and their interactions, body functions, dysfunctions and disease states.
Information about testable content is available in the Ontario Biomedical Exam Study Reference Guide. The March 2022 version of the examination blueprint includes the competencies and weighting to be tested in each content area. Additional procedural information about the exam is available in the Ontario Clinical Sciences and Ontario Biomedical Exams Handbook.
Exam Fees and Schedule
The Ontario Biomedical Exam is offered twice each year by the College, typically in March and September. The fees for this examination are $450 plus HST. For more information on the schedule and all fees, please see the Ontario Biomedical Exam Schedule page.
Upcoming Exam
Registration for the March 13, 2025 session of the Ontario Biomedical Sciences Exam is now closed. The College is no longer accepting exam registration applications for this session.