Committees of the College
Volunteer Opportunities with Committees
Our committees offer both registrants and members of the public a wide range of opportunities to contribute their knowledge, skills and time towards meeting our mission of protecting the public and supporting safe naturopathic practice.
Each committee has a unique role and varying time commitments. Short descriptions with approximate time commitments can be found below, and a complete list of committee Terms of Reference can be found here.
Council Committees
Registration Committee |
If you are interested in examinations, entry-to-practice and registration issues, consider the Registration Committee. This committee oversees the examinations, entry-to-practice and annual registration renewal programs of the College by establishing and administering policies governing the programs. Overall, the committee is responsible to ensure that the College’s registration practices are fair, objective, transparent and impartial. Time Commitment: This committee meets approximately 10 times per year for half a day. A half-day of preparation time can also be expected. |
Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee |
If you are interested in matters relating to professionalism, competence or fitness to practice, the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee (ICRC) may be of interest to you. The ICRC oversees the investigations of complaints and reports about registrants and determines the most appropriate actions to handle complaints and reports so that the public is protected and NDs are supported. Committee members are trained to conduct their work in keeping with the RHPA and to adjudicate matters fairly. Committee members are trained to apply fair and transparent Committee procedures and are supported by the College and Legal Counsel. Additional skills recommended: Strong sense of ethics. Familiarity with legislation/standards and ability to navigate them. Ability to identify and prioritize issues/concerns. Critical thinking/analytical skills. Succinct writing skills. Ability to communicate effectively and clearly (both in writing and orally). Risk management skills. Time Commitment: This committee meets a minimum of 12 times per year for a full day meeting, with emergency teleconference calls as needed. A full day of preparation time can also be expected. |
Patient Relations Committee |
The Patient Relations Committee develops and oversees the patient relations and public education program relating to sexual abuse of patients. It also processes requests for funding for therapy and counseling for individuals who may have been sexually abused by an ND. Time Commitment: This committee meets four times per year for approximately half a day. A half-day of preparation time can also be expected. |
Quality Assurance Committee |
The Quality Assurance Committee is responsible for developing and maintaining the College’s Quality Assurance Program. This includes developing annual self-assessments, reviewing and approving courses for Category A credits, and determining criteria for Peer & Practice Assessments. The Committee will also receive and make decisions relating to individual registrant’s compliance with program requirements. Time Commitment: This committee meets approximately eight times per year for half a day. A half-day of preparation time can also be expected. |
Fitness to Practise Committee |
The Fitness to Practise Committee, in conjunction with the Discipline Committee, develops and maintains policies and procedures governing the College’s hearing processes. It also receives and reviews allegations that individual registrants may not be fit to practice the profession as referred to it by the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee and conducts hearings as required under Schedule 2 of the Health Professions Procedural Code. Additional skills recommended: Individuals should have a good communication, analytical and writing skills. Time Commitment: This Committee meets as a whole once annually and in panels of up to five members when required. |
Discipline Committee |
The Discipline Committee, in conjunction with the Fitness to Practise Committee, develops and maintains policies and procedures governing the College hearing processes. It also receives allegations and conducts hearings into allegations of incompetence or professional misconduct about individual registrants as referred to it by the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee. Additional skills recommended: Critical thinking – ability to analyze information presented by the parties and make a decision based on the facts, particularly during a contested hearing. Attention to detail. Working well as a team (panel) member. Ability to clearly communicate their ideas/thoughts. Appreciation of rules and regulations and ability to follow the rules set by the legislation/College. Time Commitment: The Discipline Committee will meet once annually for a full-day. It will also establish panels of up to five for hearings. Hearings may range from 1 day for an uncontested hearing and up to 10 days for a contested hearing |
Governance Committee |
The Governance Committee oversees the volunteer recruitment, assessment and appointment process for the Council. NDs sitting on this Committee cannot also be seeking to be elected to the Council. It also is responsible for reviewing disputes relating to members of the College voting in elections, for reviewing biographies and personal statements submitted by candidates standing for election, for holding an inquiry, upon request of the Council, into the validity of the election of a member to the Council, and, upon request of the CEO, assisting in supervising the election of candidates to the Council of the College. Time Commitment: This committee meets approximately eight times per year for half a day. |
Audit Committee |
The Audit Committee is responsible for reviewing and making recommendations to the Council for approval with respect to the draft annual financial statements, the Auditor’s Report on the annual financial statements, and related issues including accounting practices and financial controls. Additional skills recommended: A good understanding of the generally accepted accounting principles for the not-for-profit sector. Ability to read and comprehend financial statements and ask questions to ensure accountability of College management. Time Commitment: This committee meets 2 to 3 times annually for half-day meetings by teleconference at the call of the Chair. |
Standards Committee |
The Standards Committee, on behalf of the Council, develops standards of practice of the profession, undertakes consultations and approves the standards for implementation. Additional skills recommended: Familiarity with legislation/standards and ability to navigate them. Ability to identify and prioritize issues/concerns. Critical thinking/analytical skills. Succinct writing skills. Ability to communicate effectively and clearly (both in writing and orally). Time Commitment: This committee is expected to meet up to six times per year for half a day. |
Inspection Committee |
The Inspection Committee advises on and recommends to the Council policies and procedures relating to the College’s inspection program of premises where intravenous infusion therapy procedures are performed. The Committee also reviews the documents provided by the inspectors and designated registrants regarding completed inspections and determines the outcome of the inspection. Time Commitment: This committee meets approximately 10 times per year for half a day. |
Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging Committee |
The EDIB Committee, working closely with the CEO and senior College staff, support the development and maintenance of a program of equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging including recommending policies that are transparent, impartial, fair, free of bias, discrimination and racism. Time Commitment: This committee is expected to meet up to six times per year for half a day. |
Risk Committee |
The Risk Committee is responsible for providing organization oversight on behalf of the Council to ensure that a risk management process is in place at all levels of the organization, and that the risk management processes, and best practices are being adhered to. Additional skills recommended: A thorough understanding of the principles of and processes for organizational risk management. A good understanding of the principles of good governance in the not-for-profit sector. Time Commitment: This committee is expected to meet four times a year for half a day, or at the call of the Chair. |
Governance Policy Review Committee |
The Governance Policy Review Committee develops, maintains, and reviews the Council’s governance policies on a regular basis, and ensures that policies are updated on a regular schedule. This includes identifying and proposing necessary changes and amendments based on review and making policy recommendations to the Council. Additional skills recommended: A thorough knowledge of a policy governance model for Boards of Directors, preferably with a detailed understanding of the Carver model. Time Commitment: This committee is expected to meet six times a year for half a day, or at the call of the Chair. |
Operational Committees
Exams Committee (Entry to Practise) |
The Exams Committee (Entry-to-Practise) is responsible for the maintenance of the College’s Ontario Clinical Sciences Exam and the Ontario Biomedical Exam. Committee member tasks include reviewing question items and cases assembled for an upcoming exam session. Reviewing and approving new question items and cases developed by the College’s Item Writers. Ensuring question items and cases adhere to the College blueprints for the Ontario Clinical Sciences and Ontario Biomedical examinations, College style guide, exam study reference guides and item writing guide. Participating in standard setting studies (i.e., psychometric process for establishing a performance standard on an exam). Additional skills recommended: Strong working knowledge of the scope of practice of naturopathy in Ontario. Strong written and oral communication skills. Ability to work independently and collaboratively. Experience in developing high stakes examinations is considered an asset. Time Commitment: Seven meeting dates, with four of these meetings being a multi-day meeting (i.e. a minimum of one and a half days, maximum of three days). Volunteers will also be asked to complete some meeting prep work outside of meeting time. Meetings are conducted remotely during business hours (Weekdays between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.). To accomplish the work necessary, volunteers for this role need to be able to attend all the days within a multi-day meeting |
PLAR Committee |
The PLAR Committee is responsible for reviewing and making recommendations regarding amendments to policies and procedures governing the Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) program, considering and making decisions on PLAR program assessment results, and (within a Panel) reviewing and disposing of appeals of PLAR assessment decisions. Additional skills recommended: Critical thinking/analytical skills. Attention to detail. Impartiality, objectivity, fair and consistent in their approach. Time Commitment:Approximately three half-day meetings are anticipated in the coming year, all of which will be conducted remotely (per diems provided). An additional three half-days of preparation time is also anticipated (unpaid). Meetings are scheduled on an as-needed basis, based on conducted assessments. |