Council Meetings & Materials

In the past, the Council has met four times a year. However, due to a recent Governance Review from the Council, it will meet six times a year starting in 2021. Meetings are held virtually on the last Wednesday of January, March, May, July, September and November.

Anyone is welcome to observe the meeting. Pre-registration is required, which opens approximately two weeks prior to the meeting date.

Some portions of a meeting may be closed to the public due to the topics discussed. For example, discussions about staff performance are closed in the interests of privacy. When a portion of the meeting is closed, an explanation will be provided and observers asked to leave temporarily.

Observing a Meeting

Given the public interest and safety role of the College, and the authority of the Council to govern its activities, Council meetings must be held in a way that ensures they are not unduly influenced by outside organizations or individuals.

To achieve this, the Council has set rules governing the conduct of observers, including the rule that observers are not entitled to speak to the Council or with its members. These rules have been augmented to accommodate virtual meetings.

Registration, and acceptance of the Guidelines for Observers of Virtual Meetings of the Council of the College, are required. To register for any of the upcoming 2025 meetings, please click here.

Meeting Agendas & Materials

Below are agendas and materials for College Council meetings (posted approx. 1 week before each meeting date) and the approved minutes of the previous meetings of the Council of the College of Naturopaths of Ontario.

Council Meeting Materials – Oct. 28, 2017: Please note that a portion of the materials has been redacted in order to ensure that the comments provided cannot be attributed to individual Members of the College.  While it is doubtful that this might occur, the redaction has been made out of an abundance of caution and to reflect the College’s commitment to protecting personal information of individuals.

If you would like to receive a copy of any of the materials provided to the Council, please contact the College at or call 416-583-6010.

Council Conflict of Interest

Each year, the Council members are required to complete an annual Conflict of Interest Declaration that identify where real or perceived conflicts of interest may arise.

As set out in the College by-laws, a conflict of interest is:

16.01 Definition
For the purposes of this article, a conflict of interest exists where a reasonable person would conclude that a Council or Committee member’s personal or financial interest may affect their judgment or the discharge of their duties to the College. A conflict of interest may be real or perceived, actual or potential, and direct or indirect.

Using an Annual Declaration Form, the College canvasses Council members about the potential for conflict in four areas:

  • Based on positions to which they are elected or appointed;
  • Based on interests or entities that they own or possess;
  • Based on interests from which they receive financial compensation or benefit;
  • Based on any existing relationships that could compromise their judgement or decision-making.

The following potential conflicts have been declared by the Council members for the period April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025.
