Specimens & Lab Tests
The Naturopathy Act, 2007 authorises Registrants to draw blood to perform certain tests. All other aspects of collecting specimens, performing blood tests and ordering laboratory tests are authorised under the Laboratory Regulation made under the Laboratory and Specimen Collection Centre Licensing Act, 1990 (LSCCLA).
The LSCCLA regulation allows Registrants to:
- collect specimens for the purpose of performing identified tests;
- collect identified specimens from a patient for the purpose of requisitioning a laboratory test;
- requisition the collection of a specimen by a specimen collection centre; or
- requisition the performance of identified laboratory tests on specimens.
Find more information on ordering lab tests.
Find more information or taking specimens.
The General Regulation under the Naturopathy Act, 2007 prohibits Registrants from:
- taking or collecting a specimen to obtain information about diagnosis, prophylaxis or treatment, unless the specimen is identified and authorised in the LSCCLA regulations;
- performing laboratory tests, or taking blood or other samples from a patient for the purposes of performing a laboratory test, unless the test is identified and authorised by the LSCCLA regulations; and
- ordering a laboratory test unless specified in the LSCCLA regulations.
Fact Sheet: Learn more about requisitioning lab tests and collecting specimens.
These provisions, along with the Professional Misconduct Regulation, allow the College to discipline Registrants who do not comply with the requirements of the LSCCLA.