Intravenous Infusion Therapy (IVIT) Inspection Program
Intravenous Infusion Therapy (IVIT) involves compounding and administering of drugs or substances through intravenous injection. The College’s IVIT Inspection Program ensures the safety and quality of care for Ontarians who access this therapy through a naturopathic doctor.
Due to an increased risk to the patient, naturopathic doctors in Ontario receive additional training and oversight before they are authorised to perform the therapy. To obtain authorization, NDs must meet the standards of practice for IVIT. This requires two College-administered exams: the Ontario Prescribing and Therapeutics Exam and the Ontario IVIT Exam.
The Inspection Program also sets out the requirements to be met by a premises where IVIT is performed, which may only provide the therapy upon passing inspections. A College-trained naturopath authorized to perform IVIT conducts this on-site inspection of the premises to review whether criteria are met in the following areas:
- physical environment,
- emergency preparedness,
- infection control,
- sterile compounding,
- administering IVIT,
- record keeping and charting,
- Type 1 and Type 2 occurrences,
- delegation, and
- quality management.
The inspection has the following possible outcomes:
- Pass—All Inspection Program Requirements were fully or partially met, with only minor deficiencies that do not pose a risk to patients.
- Pass with conditions—One or more Inspection Program Requirements were not sufficiently met and may pose a risk to patients. The conditions may restrict the premises from providing IVIT, depending on the deficiency and risk identified. If the premises demonstrates that it has addressed the deficiency, the condition can be removed and the premises will be issued a pass.
- Fail—Many Inspection Program Requirements were not met, which may pose a risk to patients, and the deficiencies cannot be addressed with additional conditions.
Once the full inspection is successfully completed, the premises will receive a follow up inspection every five years.
The IVIT Premises Register provides information about premises registered with the College and authorized to perform IVIT procedures. It includes the following:
- premises authorized to administer IVIT,
- inspection outcomes (Pass, Pass with conditions or Fail),
- NDs practising IVIT on the premises,
- procedures (compounding and/or administering) authorized on the premises, and
- any restrictions on the premises.
To see the most recent 25 IVIT premises that have been inspected and the inspection outcome click here.