Annual Evaluation and Learning

Volunteers appointed to in-field roles are provided with feedback on their work through an interactive process with registrants of the College and from College staff.

Volunteers in committee roles are provided with an opportunity to participate in a comprehensive evaluation process that includes a self-assessment of their own performance, an assessment by their peers based on their role and the overall effectiveness of the group (Council or Committee). All evaluations are conducted by an independent third-party Consultant.

Council/Committee Evaluation – The Council and each Committee undergo an evaluation of its performance by its members. This allows the Committee and its Chair to see how well the group is performing and ways to improve performance moving forward. Committee evaluations are conducted bi-annually as is the Council evaluation (in opposite years).

Self-assessment – Each Council and Committee volunteer is asked to complete a self-assessment of their own performance against a set of measures provided by an independent consultant. This self-assessment is provided to the consultant for consolidation with the Peer Assessment.

Peer Assessment – Each Council and Committee member undertakes a confidential assessment of the performance of each of their peers on the Committee or Council against the same set of measures provided by the independent consultant. The Peer Assessments are provided confidentially to the consultant who consolidates them with the individual’s self-assessment.

Individual Assessment Report – Based on the self-assessment and the peer assessments, the Consultant develops an individual assessment report for each Council and Committee member. This is for their own use and is never shared with the College. It identifies where there may be gaps between one’s own skill assessment and that provided by peers, and it provides guidance on approaches to bridge those gaps.

Coaching Session and Action Plan – Based on the report developed, each Council and Committee member meets with the independent consultant to discuss their report and to develop their own individualized Action Plan for on-going learning. Although the Action Plan is not shared with the Governance Committee, that committee may follow up with volunteers to inquire if they feel they are making progress on their action plan and whether they need some additional support.

By taking these steps, we hope to not only improve the overall performance of the Council and its Committees but provide each volunteer with the opportunities needed for continuous improvement.